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Finger Millet - IPM play online

Play Finger Millet - IPM APK

Finger Millet

आधिकारिक एप र खेल

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Use UptoPlay to play online the game Finger Millet - IPM.

Get complete details of Finger Millet crops from production to protection.This crop has detailed information about land preparation, fertilizers, varieties, nursery,seed treatment and distance planting. It also provides insight about pest, disease and weed control.

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Finger Millet - IPM.

थप जानकारी

Developer: UAS Bangalore, GKVK

विधा: शिक्षा

अनुप्रयोग संस्करण: १.०.१1.0

अनुप्रयोग आकार: 3.1M

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