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IMDb: Your guide to movies, TV shows, celebrities

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Use UptoPlay to play online the game IMDb: Your guide to movies, TV shows, celebrities.

IMDb is the world's most popular and authoritative source for movie, TV, and celebrity information. Watch trailers, get showtimes, and buy tickets for upcoming films. Rate and review shows you've seen and track what you want to watch using your Watchlist. IMDb takes you behind the scenes with exclusive IMDb Originals, celebrity interviews, and more. Stay up to date with entertainment news, awards, and events.

Jelentkezz be:
Get personalized recommendations for shows and movies
Track what you want to watch with your Watchlist
Rate and review what you've watched
Save your favorite theaters
Create and share lists of movies, shows, and celebrities

Discover what to watch - and where to watch it:
Browse popular favorites and personalized top picks
Compare watch options to find the best place to watch any title
Read user and critic reviews
Watch the latest trailers, IMDb Originals, and clips

Fedezd fel:
Search for more than 5 million shows, movies, and entertainment programs - and more than 8 million cast and crew members
Read breaking entertainment news
Browse quotes, trivia, and goofs
Teljes körű tudósítást kaphat az Oscar-díjakról (Oscar), Golden Globe-díjakról, Emmy-díjakról, San Diego Comic-Conról, filmfesztiválokról és sok másról
Check out Best Picture winners, top rated movies, popular shows, celebrity birthdays, and more
Értesítéseket kaphat a legújabb előzetesekről, a filmek vetítési időpontjairól és a legfrissebb hírekről

Nézze meg a vetítési időpontokat és vásároljon jegyet a helyi mozifilmekhez:
Use your current location to get nearby showtimes
Sort movie showtimes by start time, end time, genre, rating, and more
Buy tickets directly from your phone or tablet

Az IMDb világszerte elérhető angol (USA/UK), spanyol, német, francia, portugál, olasz, japán, koreai, kínai, török ​​és hindi nyelven.

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Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game IMDb: Your guide to movies, TV shows, celebrities.


Developer: IMDb

Recent changes: We've been working on bug fixes and improving app performance to deliver you a better experience. Enjoy and thanks for using IMDb!
